
Aug 29, 2009


Scriptures on dealing with the devil not only reinforce what we know about his true nature and his capabilities for evil, but give us the tools to defeat him. Any soldier will tell you that it’s very important to know your enemy.

I Peter 5:8-9

We do not fight or wrestle against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces of wickedness.

This quote tells us what we need to know about our opponent he seeks to infect your very spirit with ugliness and evil.

What he is called may or may not be of importance as the Prince of Darkness is known by many names such as Lucifer, Satan, the wicked one and perhaps the most profound; EVIL!

He is a trickster and a liar. He knows exactly how to present the bait so that the weak and those who are unaware will fall into his trap.

He is a master deceiver that has taken control of too many souls. He is constantly on the prowl searching for more to do his bidding.

The best strategy for beating and defeating the devil is to arm ourselves with our faith. My favorite scripture telling how to deal with the devil is

Ephesians 6:10

We are to buckle our loins with the truth, put on the breastplate of righteousness, cove our feet with the Gospel of Peace, wear the helmet of salvation and have with us the shield of faith.

Then we take the Word of our Savior which is in reality the sword of the Spirit and offer up much prayer. And there is another weapon we may use against him which is resistance. If you are able to resist his temptations he will run from you in his failure.

I’m certain that there are many more scriptures on dealing with the devil but in my mind this Bible verse in Ephesians tells me everything I need to know about how to deal with and defeat the devil when he comes calling.

Return to Motivational Inspirational Posters Quotes and Scriptures on Dealing with the Devil
to see more discussion on how to resist the temptations that are placed in our path.

Bible Top 1000

Aug 22, 2009

Keep Your Eye on Eternity

One of my favorite quotes about eternity is that it seems like a long time coming but once it arrives you hope that you don't want it to end quickly. Ponder this quotation and you will undoubted see the urgency to keep ourselves focused on eternity rather than the endless pursuit of things that are meant to get the message across to our neighbor that we are big wheels and a roaring success financially.

Our Lord knows that we have to be industrious in order to obtain the many needs of our families. But I have to believe that His plan for us was to be content with the basics. I'm sure that he didn't mean for us to spend so much of our lives fighting to have huge homes and endless amounts of stuff that we don't really need or SHOULDN'T need in order to feel truly bless and contented.

There is a scripture about this that states, "Seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you," and there is another that tells us "Contentment is great gain."
I take these statements to mean that we should spend more time thinking about how we might honor His name, be helpful to those in need and eternity will be paradise.

I hope that on your next visit to Motivational Inspirational Posters Poems and Quotes about Eternity that you can share something that you did for your fellow man or tell us what you donated that you had no need for and that you are more contented.